Here is a reel of my work and some individual examples of projects I've produced/directed. Updates and more videos to come!
Client: Microsoft
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: JP LaRoux
Brief: Create a 30-90 second video about the recently announced Microsoft Graph Security API. What is it? How does it work?
Client: Microsoft
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: Laura Reilly
Brief: Create a 60-90 second video to highlight shift to passwordless log-in methods endorsed by Microsoft.
Client: Microsoft
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: Laura Reilly
Brief: Drive confidence in app compatibility among drive conversions from previous versions of Windows to Windows 10 among ITDMs.
Client: Trash Sound Conglomerate
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: Chas Roberts, Matt Porter
Brief: Create a music video to visualize the concept of keeping one's dreams alive while showcasing a high energy punk band.
Client: Voycheck
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: Chas Roberts
Brief: Visualize a modern protest anthem by hardcore band Voycheck.
Client: Microsoft
Executive Producer: Matt Waddell
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: Laura Reilly
Brief: Create a 30-90 second video to elevate Microsoft's messaging around accessibility.
Client: Microsoft
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: Chris Dugovich
Brief: Raise awareness of free offerings by highlighting unique features for Office Online and drive engagement among consumer audiences
Client: Storm Boy
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: Chas Roberts
Brief: Create an electric display of the vibrating strings that connect the various points in our lives to scribble in the image of the people we become. It’s a messy string that becomes “…a shirt made of hope, a ribbon made of plans and the glimmer in our eyes made of tears that we’ve cried.”
Client: Microsoft
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Brief: Generate awareness for business decision makers around a new Microsoft offering designed to maximize employee productivity.
Client: Microsoft
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: Chris Dugovich
Brief: Create excitement and clarity for users the first time they open a product.
Client: Microsoft
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Writer: Chas Roberts
Brief: Generate awareness and excitement internally at Microsoft for a round of values conversations that connect employees to the true value of being a part of Microsoft.
Client: Microsoft
Producer/Director: Chas Roberts
Support: Tim Nichols, Paul Secord
Brief: Generate excitement for the new user experience in Microsoft OneDrive. Note: all UI was created by hand in Illustrator.